Posts Tagged ‘winter’

The fine people at tell me (and anyone else with a computer) that there’s a 50-percent chance of rain and/or snow today in Sioux Falls.

It’s April 23. Oy.

I don’t know the exact numbers, but we’ve gotten a bunch of snow this month – too much. Yet on Saturday it’s going to be 73 degrees. What the what?

There’s an old saying in the Dakotas: If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute; it’ll change. But this is ridiculous. (more…)

One of the planes that I boarded for a work trip took a wrong turn, dropping me off somewhere other than South Dakota. And while I was in the air, the CIA uprooted my family and recreated our house and our hometown in a locale that’s more southern than any Dakota. Everyone I know is in on the conspiracy.

That scenario is more likely than what’s actually going on in Sioux Falls this winter. That is, there has been no winter. It’s more like an extended fall or premature spring. There’s no snow on the ground. None. Besides that, it’s not even very cold.
