Posts Tagged ‘National Sportscasters and Sports Writers Association’

This is going to read like a commercial, and in a way that’s what it is. But I’m OK with that considering the real and perceived state of the journalism industry.

I spent Saturday-Tuesday in Salisbury, N.C., home to Cheerwine, Apple Ugly and the NSSA. What’s Cheerwine? A red soda that’s big in the South. It’s quite pleasant, although I was mocked summarily for ordering the diet kind. What’s an Apple Ugly? A prepackaged apple fritter, the caloric contents of which I won’t reveal. And what’s the NSSA? Good question. In fact, I was at best vaguely aware of it until a few months ago. In plain speak, it’s the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association, an organization that looks to further and honor sports journalism.

The annual awards weekend is a major part of that. I was invited to attend by virtue of being named South Dakota sportswriter of the year. However, and this is where you come in, it turns out that the event is not exclusive to the state winners – it’s fairly accessible to working journalists and college kids, the cost reasonable. I had no idea. Neither did some of the fellow first-time visitors I met. (more…)